Sunday, January 21, 2007

Robert Farrar Capon

I recommend Capon to anyone - especially anyone going through that Christianity-is-stale-and-boring phase of life.

I first met Robert Farrar Capon in the book Health, Money, and Love & Why We Don’t Enjoy Them (1990), which is an easy read. Capon is an Anglican scholar, priest and theologian with a fresh way of expressing the outrageousness Gospel. He is a bit unsettling at times, but as one reviewer put it: “Jesus and Father Capon have at least one salient personalitiy trait in common - they both love to shock people - jar us out of our complacency.”

Some of his other “easy read” books in my library are these:

- The Astonished Heart: Reclaiming the Good News from the Lost and Found of Church History. 2003

- The Fingerprints of God: Tracking the Divine Suspect through a History of Images. 2003


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this ... I will most definitly be reading Capon in the near future. After looking at his many books and reading other people's reviews, I have decided, as one who teaches and preaches that Capon is a must have addition to my library.

Cardinal said...

I find Capon to be right on about the's free grace no strings attached. God is pure love as expressed by the life, death, and ressurection of Jesus. Luther would love Capon. Capon interprets the parables of Jesus as demonstrating the salvation is completely Gods business...he upsets the money changers of religion who see the business of going to heaven as something they have control of - able to transact or sale salvation for good works. Capon is refreshing, humorous, and a great theologian. Like Luther he fets it - its be grace alone through faith alone!

Cardinal said...

I find Capon to be right on about the's free grace no strings attached. God is pure love as expressed by the life, death, and ressurection of Jesus. Luther would love Capon. Capon interprets the parables of Jesus as demonstrating the salvation is completely Gods business...he upsets the money changers of religion who see the business of going to heaven as something they have control of - able to transact or sale salvation for good works. Capon is refreshing, humorous, and a great theologian. Like Luther he fets it - its be grace alone through faith alone!